Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Wilk Forces Retreat as Battles Rage On
ZP militia woman who took up blood-drenched truce flag standing atop hard-won Wilk position.

Source: Arise People of Zodno-Pomorskie!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Antiwar Protests Lead to Police Death
People Protest ZP Intervention

ISLE OF JOY, KINGDOM OF LISTENEISSE -- Vehement protests erupted today against the nation's involvement in Zodno-Pomorskie and also the MILEX VL '05 military exercises, in which a Vice Admiral of the fleet defended itself with a fictitious nuclear weapons exchange. Clashes with police led to one death of a police officer in a peace protest turned violent.

The Isle of Joy is known for its conservative, insular attitudes towards international engagement. It has also been an area where multiculturalism found in the rest of the nation has been met with stiff opposition from local leaders.

Protesters had demanded access to the royal residence at the Castle of the Isle of Joy. No one from the Royal Family was present, but the issue was a heated one. The Royal Constabulary and even Grail Templar military guards of the residency had ordered the crowd to stand down. Chaos ensued and a police officer was beaten to death after disbursing tear gas and pepper spray to disburse the protesters.

"I cannot believe they call themselves 'peace' protesters," said Captain Gar de la Monte of the Royal Constabulary. "Rocks and missiles were hurled at my men who were simply standing to ensure no trespassers or hooligans got into the Royal Estate. Yes, we understand their greivance, but there is no need to resort to this level of barbarism. None. I had to speak to his wife today. I consider her a war widow, and will be taking the case to the appropriate authorities to see if we can get her due benefits."

Official statements by groups who organized the peace demonstration condemned the deadly beating, which was apparently in response to the police discharge of tear gas to disburse the increasingly unruly crowd.

Unofficially, conspiracy theories abound that the government must have sent in agents provocateur to stir the crowd. Such suggestions were roundly denounced by the Captain as the "obvious delusions by those seeking to escape responsibility for today's actions."

Police cameras clearly show the incident unfolding from various angles. The vast majority of the crowd remained back and simply chanted as they had done all morning. But members of the crowd moved forward and tried to push their way through the police line, issuing
threats and spitting. The police line failed to part. Due to the increasing hostility, the crowd was finally ordered to disburse, according to members of the Constabulary.

When it failed to do so, tear gas cannisters began to land, and individual officers used their pepper spray to drive away unruly protesters. One officer instead drew his club and hit a protester after being physically shoved. A number of protesters then rushed the officer, who had moved forth from the ranks, and began to beat him. In approximately 38 seconds, they had wrestled his helmet off and hit him on the head repeatedly with his own police baton until he fell. As the crowd disbursed because of the gas, Constabulary officers surged forward and arrested many of those responsible for the beating, while others fled. The officer was pronounced dead at hospital.

Funeral Services and Pro-Government Rally Scheduled

The slain police officer was Sergeant Jonathan Garel, a twenty-four year veteran. Private funeral services for the slain officer will be held Wednesday, open only to members of the Royal Constabulary, family and friends.

Pro-government supporters are planning a march that day to support the people of Listeneisse who have been committed to the Zodno-Pomorskie UN peacekeeping and humanitarian missions and to commemorate the lives of all those who have been unjustly lost to the fighting.

Raised Taxes Lead to Raised Voices

The protesters were also complaining about the rising taxes to pay for government services. The present tax rate at 52% was not due to any direct calls for increased military expenditures. The 5% rise (from the prior 47% tax rate) was imposed because of the three main reasons. First, closing of loopholes and incentives which had been maintained for women due to the new equal rights provision. Second, programmes to ensure women's rights are upheld nationwide. And third, the requisite pay raise for women working throughout government at all levels.

Yet it has been seen as a "war tax," which frustrated those who had thought the nation was once on its way to disarmament.
The military's percentage of spending has not increased, but the rise in general tax rate also has meant a rise in defense spending. Where once the nation had defense spending as low as 0.71% of GDP, presently 3.39% of GDP is now committed to national defense.

Concern Over Nuclear Wargames

"It is an outrage that we, the Grail Kingdom, were so ready to pretend to use nuclear weapons in a military wargame!" voiced Hanrietta Lyon, leader of People Espousing Advanced Civilized Ethics (PEACE).

A military spokesman assured it was simply a military exercise. It was in response to a simulated attack against the fleet and civilian vessels of over a kiloton of munitions. No one was hurt, and rules of engagement for future exercises were being developed.

Still, the issue was a chilling one. In response to the defensive use of nuclear weapons, there were threats by other war game participants to change the situation to one of general thermonuclear exchange to decimate the Kingdom of Listeneisse.

"Yes, this is always possible," spoke retired Brigadier Chester T. F. Pounder, retired ordnance chief for the Royal Army of Listeneisse. "Nuclear weapons are in the arsenal of most of the over 100,000 nations in the world. The question is being explored by the military: how do you stop that threat? Because it is real, and it has decimated other nations before. In the wargame, they had little choice to keep tens of thousands of sailors alive but to use nuclear weapons to intercept an incoming barrage of conventional missiles. Think then what might be needed to defend against a barrage of incoming ICBMs, and you see the peril that the military is taking steps to address through simulations and exercises, rather than discovering this in what they colloquially call 'a shooting war.'"

"Apparently they are practicing in Van Luxemburg to gain experience that will help them in Zodno-Pomorskie," spoke Ms. Lyon. "Which brings into question the military's competency in getting involved in the first place. It's all in preparation for a long series of 'peacekeeping' operations which are not keeping the peace. People are dying. Yes, it is a tragedy what is occurring in Zodno-Pomorskie. But we need to find a better means of diplomacy to achieve our national goals. We have larger regional allies which could have put a stop to this immediately. Where are they? Where is the rest of the United Nations?"

King Upholds Limited Rights of Protesters

The King was said to be grieved upon hearing the news and reported to have retired early. Sources close to the Royal Family report the soveriegn had hoped the Kingdom's people would see the necessity to defend a nation that was just beginning to move into the world, as he himself had sheparded the nation safely onto the world stage.

This morning, a spokesperson for His Majesty's government affirmed the people's ancient right to bring their grievances to the monarch. Yet it was also reminded to all parties that lawlessness and civility must be ensured for those rights to not turn into abuses of the government, its staff, or general society. Future protests are permitted so long as proper permitting procedures are followed, organizers restrict their expression to a safe area which could contain the crowds, and so long as they remained peaceful.

The spokesperson also has said the King has decided to meet with the leaders of various peace groups in private audience. In the King's own words, the spokesperson quoted: "It was vital that the nation keep allegience to its principles, and the legacy of the defenders of the Holy Grail -- to heal those that were wounded, and to defend that which was innocent and threated."
Zodno-Pomorskie War Continues
ZP Defense Up $200M; Civilian Risks; Queen Mother in ZP

REPUBLIC OF ZODNO-POMORSKIE -- The Republican government of Zodno-Pomorskie (ZP) today announced its latest approved budget. It increased its defense spending an additional $200 Million, for 22% of the overall national budget. Total spending is now $7.66 Billion. Law enforcement was an additional 28%, or $9.75 Billion.

The government continues to lack coordinated investments in healthcare, education, transportation and welfare. The zloty slid slightly to 4.5995 against the dollar in foreign exchanges.

The $200 Million spending increase was due to a last minute public-private consortium to launch the nation's first domestically-produced military spacecraft. The details of the purpose or mission of the launch vehicle and payload have not been disclosed, but already local retail businesses, including a popular local soft drink company, were accepted as sponsors of the mission to increase patriotism and boost the economy.

SLI Sector defense contractors, in unison with the corporation that produces "Bouncy Bubble Beverage" were turned down for a competing bid. The ZP government wished it to be an exclusively domestic consortium.

Counterterroism Operations Continue

Since the terrorist incidents, both military and paramilitary police units have been operating in tight integration for common defense of the nation. The Frontier Corps, Militia and other ad hoc units were quickly adapting to situations on the ground.

More activity was reported along the Wilk front, with Republican forces staging counterterrorist operations and even forays deep into the wilderness areas, once thought to be safe havens for the Wilk separatist movement.

So far, irregulars of Wilk have been somewhat neutral to Kingdom of Listeneisse forces. But a hard core of insurgents, reputed to be sponsored by the Empire of Fujikawa were believed responsible for various terrorist attacks and bomb blasts in recent months.

Listeneisse Civilians Drawn Further into Conflict

Military planners were still wondering what to do against the threat from the sea if there was to be an attack by the Empire of Fujikawa. It has stationed its massive fleet off the coast, and has been performing miltary exercises in preparation for a declared intent to invade.

Last minute diplomatic protests by the Kingdom of Listeneisse halted the invasion, at least temporarily. It remains to be seen what will unfold in the coming days. Tensions in the capital remain high.

All requests for comment by members of the Ministry of Defense or armed services were refused, as this was a tightly-controlled diplomatic situation.

Besides Listeneisse's purely military commitments, over 30,000 civilians attached to the peacekeeping effort are also in country, with more expected as the violence of the counteroffensive against Wilk increases. This included diplomatic corps, law enforcement (such as intelligence agents and analysts, Royal Forestry, and Constabulary), defense contractors (everything from personal security firms to radio tower technicians and unexploded ordnance specialists), customs officials, plus medical and humanitarian aid workers.

A member of the Foreign Secretary's office spoke under condition of anonymity that "forces were fully prepared in case of any eventuality," yet hoped that sanity and peace might still prevail.

Professor M. M. Bleise of the Royal University, an expert in foreign policy, offered his opinion, "I think we know full well who is behind the recent violence in RZP [Republic of Zodno-Pomorskie]. This began as a UN mission dedicated to the national sovereignty of a people. Each small nation in the world has to face this sort of threat from larger and far more hostile neighbors."

He contrasted the plight of the people of Zodno-Pomorskie with our nation's own history, "Recall the Kingdom of Listeneisse during its infancy. We had to dedicate 10% of our GDP to national defense for exactly this reason. Zodno-Pomorskie is in that same position -- quite at risk. But unlike us, it actually was attacked by foreigners, or foreign-sponsored insurgents, during its time of great economic weakness. To force a small nation into such a state of militarization is crippling for a people. If they manage to stave off these incursions, it can galvanize them as a nation and will be seen patriotically in decades and centuries to come. If they fail to rally in a united purpose, you can see the nation carved up into Zodno, Pomorskie, and a few other small claimed territories, such as Kilani Protectorate Zone."

Queen Mother Visits Zodno-Pomorskie

In a surprise visit, the aged Queen Mother came to Zodno-Pomorskie. She was escorted by members of the Order of the Knights of the Temple of the Holy Grail (KOTHG).

Taking both Listeneisse and ZP officials by surprise, she did not bother with state visits but went directly to a field hospital run on behalf of the UN International Red Cross Organization (UN IRCO) staffed by sisters of the Order of the Grey Nuns (OGN).

There, she donned hospital nurse garb and began to work with the local medical staff for the care of trauma victims, many of them children suffering from gunshot and explosives wounds.

Word of her visit spread only after she had been in ZP for a full day and a half. When reporters from the Times-Herald finally met with her during a break from her duties in hospital, the aged but still doughty royal had this to say.

"When We heard that there was going to be a war, We wished to come and be part of it. In Our own way. We wanted to see whether these nations truly understood the suffering they were causing. Whether their people truly supported these means to achieve whatever ends their leaders sought. Whatever profits they hoped to make, We wanted them to see the cost on the balance sheet of their souls. For now, We shall work here to heal and to care for what others have put to grief. If there is anything that We would ask of them it would be this: to act nobly in spirit. For this quality of how profits are made, and the suffering that is required to produce them, is the true differentiation between wealth and mere money."

The Queen Mother, it is to be noted, has usually not spoken with the royal plural since her retirement upon the death of her husband, Parzival XIII. Since then, she has lived a modest life of charitable works on behalf of the Kingdom. She has never taken a public political stand on any matter of foreign policy before this.

She then broke from her formal declaration and added this candid remark of a personal basis.

"I am a mother. And I know what my son is doing to stop this crisis. I came here to be with these sons and daughters of our nation. Those who have chosen to aid in this crisis, many volunteers who have put aside jobs and families to be here, to assure them that our nation and our royal family cares about their fate. I came here also to care for the people of Zodno-Pomorskie. These poor, dear children who have been made fatherless, and motherless, or have had their own bodies torn apart from the fighting. I can only wonder what the mothers of other nations involved in this event are thinking. Especially the mothers of their leaders. I wonder what they might do, to help morally counsel and aid their own sons and daughters at this time."

"We recently passed domestic law for equal rights for women. Well, here I am, an equal participant in the war here. Only, I shall not pick up a weapon. I am here to heal, not harm."

The Queen Mother surely did not need to pick up a weapon. The Grail Templar contingent that protects her is dressed in white surcoats with red crosses, but do not mistake them for unarmed aid workers. They bear the Cross of St. Josephus in rememberance of the struggles fought by Christians to survive in a world frought with cynicism and war. They are armed to fight such a war.

The bodyguard of the Queen Mother is small. Roughly a platoon in size. Other Royal Army units responding to Her presence were sent away. Many of the Templars are not allowed to stand around, but are required to also aid in medical treatment for the hospital. Many of them are trained surgeons, doctors and dentists who were selected for their ability to provide security as well as pragmatic care.

They differentiate themselves from other soldiers participating in the UN peacekeeping mission and Red Cross personnel by not wearing the blue UN helmet. Instead, their helmets were lined specifically for this mission in purple. Their red crosses are also thinner and extend to the end of their surcoats, unlike the truncated Greek cross of the Red Cross.

In fact, most Red Cross vehicles operated by the Kingdom of Listeneisse are now starting to sport the "Red Crystal." It is a hollow diamond shape, neutral in religion, to encompass all religious and secular Red Cross volunteers.

The Queen Mother, for her part, wears the traditional Red Cross, as do the nurses and workers of the Order of Grey Nuns and the Order of White Monks (OWM) working in the nation.

After her break, she once again began her duties, which were to be conducted in private between the Red Cross staff and their patients.

The ZP government officially claims casualty figures in the hundreds, but other reports put casualties in the thousands nationwide since the fighting began. Regardless of the actual figure used, based on the cries of sirens arriving at the Red Cross aid station, the number was going to continue to rise for some time to come.